Spirit Guidance and Healing

Dragon Heart Healing
with Terri
In-Person & Phone Sessions
What is Dragon Heart Healing?
Dragon Heart Healing sessions combine Terri's background in Reiki, Sound Healing, Guided Meditation, Spirit Animal communication, Past-Life intuition, and her newfound love of Qigong healing techniques, all wrapped up into one soothing healing experience for her clients. Terri has entitled her healing service, “Dragon Heart Healing,” in honor of the noble, empowering, and incredible healing that the ancient Dragon energies bring.
Sessions last approximately 90 minutes, and will begin with Terri revealing to her clients one or two Spirit Animals that are currently supporting and guiding them. Using her intuitive gifts, Terri will also impart at least one Past-Life that her clients experienced that may still be influencing their current life in some meaningful way.
Next, a brief interview with clients will explore areas of their lives that may benefit from healing: mentally, emotionally, or physically. Terri will then lead the client in a short personalized guided meditation to address the client's goals for healing, or what they are hoping to manifest in their lives.
Following the guided meditation, Terri will offer a unique Sound Healing experience while clients relax on our massage table (for in-person sessions only). Sound healing will include Shamanic drum, sacred rattles, chimes, singing bowls, and tuning forks, as well as Reiki energy and Qigong healing techniques sprinkled into the calming and rejuvenating soundscape.
Previous clients have reported their Sound Healing sessions as "magical," "heavenly," "deeply relaxing," "otherworldly," "stress-releasing," and "just what I needed!"
(Please Note: Phone sessions will include all the above mentioned services, with the exception of the Sound Healing aspects. However, Distant Reiki will still be provided over the phone!)
What is a Spirit Animal?
Spirit Animals are benevolent animal entities that can deliver profound guidance and spiritual support to their chosen loved ones on Earth. We all have at least one core Spirit Animal, often referred to as an "Animal Totem," that is with us from birth until we pass. As we journey through life, other Spirit Animals may choose to join us to provide wisdom and strength to whatever challenges or "projects" we are undertaking.
Every Spirit Animal has unique beneficial attributes that they can extend to us to help fortify our being, such as courage, patience, perseverance, mindfulness, playfulness, or nurturing qualities. As advanced teachers, Spirit Animals not only share and impart their particular strengths to us, but they also aid us in discovering, developing, and fully embodying these valuable traits within our own being. Over the millennia, Spirit Animals have become the fullest, most capable versions of themselves, and they want to assist humans in reaching their deepest potentials as well.

Client Testimonial...
"I just wanted to say thank you again for such a wonderful experience the other day. I appreciate the time, effort, and love that you put into such a beautiful session for me. I have been feeling all of those energies ever since, and it is heartwarming. Here is a picture that I painted of me and Louise, hopefully I captured her essence. This is how her energy feels to me."
- Amanda Trama, PhD (Long Beach, CA)
How Did Terri Develop Spirit Animal Communication?
Terri first discovered she had a gift for the clairvoyant "seeing" of Spirit Animals when she attended a mediumship training with James Van Praagh at Omega Institute in 2011. During an exercise of practicing intuitive readings for people in her circle, Terri was shocked to observe an enormous Grizzly Bear standing directly next to the man sitting to her left. Terri informed the man about the Grizzly Bear she was seeing, and although

skeptical at the time, the man had a reading with a professional medium at the workshop's lunch break. After the break, the man came racing in excitedly to inform Terri that the psychic medium had imparted to him during his session that his animal totem was a "Grizzly Bear!"
Since that time, Terri has had the opportunity to "see" (with clairvoyance) or "hear" (with clairaudience) the names of people's Spirit Animals when she is in a meditative state. Using these gifts, Terri reveals the identity of her clients' Spirit Animals during a Dragon Heart Healing.
Terri receives assistance with her sessions from her own Spirit Animal - a powerful, nurturing, female black bear. Terri's nickname, "Mama Bear," was inspired by her close connection with her Animal Totem, and the merging with her bear's maternal spirit that occurs during her readings.
Terri has further advanced her training in Shamanic studies with world-renowned Shamans, Llyn Roberts and John Perkins at Omega Institute in New York. In 2019, Terri also studied with indigenous elders in the Mayan Shamanic tradition in Guatemala.
What is the Rate for a Dragon Heart Healing Session?
Dragon Heart Healing Session Rate:
$195 for 90 minutes