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Online Spirit Mediumship Training with Desiree
(Level 1 & 2)

Join Desiree for a riveting journey into the world of Spirit Mediumship...

2024 Training Dates...

Level 1:  "Moving into Mediumship"

4 Live Zoom Training Sessions on Wednesdays!
(Sept. 18
, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, & Oct. 9)


Level 2:  "Facilitating Reunions & Receiving Spiritual Guidance"
4 Live Zoom Training Sessions on Wednesdays!
(Oct. 23, Oct. 30, Nov. 6, & Nov. 13)


(Can't make all of the live session dates?  No problem!  A video recording of each Zoom meeting will be sent to all participants by email within 48 hours after the training.)


Two Training Time Options!

Choose to Sign-Up For the "Morning Group" or the "Evening Group" for the Duration of the Training...


Group 1 - "Morning Group" 

Meets 11:00 am - 1:00 pm ET  /  (8:00 am - 10:00 am PT)


Group 2 - "Evening Group"
Meets 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET / (3:00 pm - 5:00 pm PT)

“The class is a lot of fun and it's effective! It's very well structured, incrementally building skills and confidence while enabling practice with partners. Desiree does an excellent job of facilitating, teaching, and guiding so that each class session feels like an uplifting gift. The meditations and practice time are invaluable. I really couldn't have made the progress I made on my own, even with a great book or audio course.  In the final class, I undoubtedly made a connection to a classmate's father and it was really profound, the feeling of service and gratitude is powerful and humbling. I can't wait to take the next training to continue expanding my mediumship ability!”


 - Jenn H. from Maine, Level 1 - 3 Trainee  (2022 - 2023)


Register for Online Mediumship Training with Desiree...

About the Training...

Dear Spirit Guidance and Healing Family,


Over the years, I have received countless inquiries from individuals wishing to learn how to further develop their ability to communicate with the Other Side.  With these heartfelt requests in mind, it was my great joy to offer my first in-person Spirit Mediumship Training in State College, Pennsylvania in Fall of 2019.  After seeing the tremendous success of my in-person students, I expanded the training into a multi-week online course in 2022 to make this unique mediumship training experience accessible to my beloved friends & clients around the world.


In each training, I have been blown away by the beautiful and meaningful connections with spirit that have occurred throughout, and the amazing friendships that developed between the trainees.  An incredible & supportive community of mediums has blossomed around the world... one that continues to grow and thrive with each passing year. 

This interactive online training is open to all levels of experience... from complete beginners to practicing mediums.  It is my sincere belief that spirit mediumship is a skill that everyone can learn if one is willing to dedicate the time and energy involved to develop this gift.  During this online training, it is my intention to create a supportive and empowering space for spirit communication to bloom...where each student can discover their own special methods of receiving messages from the Spirit World.  


With love, 


What's Included in Each Level?

Level 1 - "Moving into Mediumship"
(Sept. 18- Oct. 9)

In this immersive training, we will delve into the fundamentals of Spirit Mediumship and learn techniques to create a strong energetic foundation for spirit communication.  We will discuss the essentials of how to identify the spirits who are coming to talk to you and receive basic messages from the Other Side.  In a safe and supportive setting, we will practice our mediumship together in several fun partner exercises throughout the training.   (There is no experience required for Level 1 training!  All experience levels are welcome!)


Week 1 
"Introduction to Spirit Mediumship:  How to Energetically Prepare Yourself to Connect with the Other Side"

Week 2 
"Basic Spirit Meet & Greet:  How to Utilize Your 6 Metaphysical Senses to Identify a Spirit"

Week 3 
"Introduction to Receiving Messages from Spirit:  3 Ways the Spirit World Communicates with Mediums"

Week 4 
"Essential Guide to Spirit Mediumship: Helpful Tips and Q & A"

Level 1 Spirit Mediumship Training Will Include...


Training Topics & Practice Exercises:

  • How Does a Spirit Medium Receive Information from the Spirit World?

  • 4-Step Preparation Process to Communicate with Spirit

  • Desiree's "3 Keys to Mediumship"

  • Basic Tools to Identify the Spirits That Are Coming to Talk to You

  • Practice Receiving Feelings, Images, Smells, Sounds, Tastes, & Knowings from the Other Side

  • Chakra Healing to Open Your Mediumship

  • How to Receive Basic Messages from Spirit

  • How to Receive Answers from Spirit to Specific Questions You Ask

  • Common Spirit Communication Challenges and Tools to Solve Them

  • How to Create a Sacred Space to Practice Mediumship at Home

  • And More!


Bonus Offerings:

  • PDF of Desiree's 62-Page Spirit Mediumship Level 1 & 2 Training Manual

  • Mediumship Practice Time through Partner Exercises in Private Zoom Break-Out Rooms

  • Access to the Private "Spirit Mediumship Training Community" Facebook Group

  • Q & A with Desiree

  • Community Sharing

  • And More!

Level 2 - "Facilitating Reunions & Receiving Spiritual Guidance"
(Oct. 23- Nov. 13)

Meditating in Nature

When you begin to explore Spirit Mediumship, you have the opportunity of assisting others in two incredible ways.  The first is the privilege of facilitating a reunion between the person on Earth you are reading for and their spirit loved ones on the Other Side.  The second is receiving and passing on the wealth of guidance the spirits have to offer about many aspects of our life on this planet - from our spiritual life purpose to relationship advice.  In Level 2 training, we will discover and practice both of these beneficial aspects of mediumship in a clear and structured format.  Through group discussion and numerous exercises, we will expand the possibilities of the information and healing we can receive from the Other Side.


Pre-Requisite:  "Level 1 Spirit Mediumship Training" with Desiree (Online or In-Person), OR previous basic spirit communication training / experience (*If you have attended previous spirit communication classes with Desiree & Terri or another spirit medium, it is possible that you may wish to go straight to Level 2.  Please contact Desiree to determine if you have the required experience to skip directly to Level 2.  For the most thorough training and foundation in Spirit Mediumship, Desiree would recommend attending both levels.)


Week 1
"Spirit Identification 101:  Who Is Coming to Speak with Me?"

Week 2
"Intermediate Spirit Identification Practice:  Utilizing the Rainbow Grid to Identify Spirit Loved Ones"

Week 3 
"Practicing Mediumship to Receive Spirit Advice & Wisdom:  How to Offer a Guidance Mini-Reading"

Week 4 
"Practicing Mediumship to Facilitate Healing & Reconnection:  How to Offer a Basic Reunion Reading"

Level 2 Spirit Mediumship Training Will Include...


Training Topics & Practice Exercises:

  • 8 Common Methods to Identify a Spirit

  • Introduction to Desiree's "Rainbow Grid" (A Unique Method of Identifying Multiple Spirit Loved Ones in One Sitting)

  • "List of 3” Exercise  (A Technique to Receive 3 Short & Helpful Messages from the Spirits)

  • How to Give a "Guidance Mini-Reading" about a Specific Topic (i.e. Life Path, Spiritual Lessons, Relationships, Career, Past-Lives, & More!  

  • How to Facilitate a Basic "Reunion Mini-Reading" to Pass on Healing & Validating Messages from a Person's Departed Loved Ones

  • Tips to Grow Your Spirit Mediumship Abilities

  • How to Be a Responsible Spirit Medium

  • And More!


Bonus Offerings:

  • PDF of Desiree's 62-Page Spirit Mediumship Level 1 & 2 Training Manual

  • Mediumship Practice Time through Partner Exercises in Private Zoom Break-Out Rooms

  • Access to the Private "Spirit Mediumship Training Community" Facebook Group

  • Q & A with Desiree

  • Community Sharing

  • And More!

“As human beings, I think that one of the most life-changing realizations is to know that our loved ones are still with us after they have passed.  Desiree designed this class to make it possible for us to learn how to know and experience this truth for ourselves and for others.  She organized it in a logical, step-by-step manner that takes mediumship from the mystical realm into a practical skill.  I had experiences during the practice sessions that were as validating as when working with professional mediums.  And I loved how light and upbeat the class felt, even when dealing with loss and death.  I never expected to laugh so much!  I am truly grateful for this opportunity.  Thank you, Desiree!”


 - Cindi D. from Pennsylvania, Level 1 - 3 Trainee  (2022 - 2023)


Online Spirit Mediumship Training Details & Registration...

Full 8-Week Training ~ Level 1 & 2: 

(Early Bird - $350) / Regular - $400


Level 1 Training Only:  

(Early Bird - $150) / Regular - $175


Level 2 Training Only:

(Early Bird  - $200) / Regular - $225​


(Early bird pricing before 9/9/24.  Payment plans & partial scholarships are available for this training.  Please contact Desiree to discuss options.)

Registration & Payment: 

To reserve your spot, please click the "Register Now" button below to fill out a sign-up form & pay for the training.



Online Spirit Mediumship Training will take place over Zoom.  The Zoom link will be sent by email prior to start of the training. 



A video recording of each Zoom meeting will be sent to all participants by email within 48 hours after each training.  If you cannot make a live session, you are welcome to watch the recording to catch up on the training material. 


Recording Consent...

The training will be recorded in "Active Speaker Mode" which means that only the person who is speaking will be recorded, and the other participants who are watching & listening will not.  Therefore, if you wish to ask a question or share an experience with the group while class is in session, please note that you will be included in the final video recording of the training.  You are welcome to turn your video off when you ask a question, or type a question into the chat if you prefer not to be recorded.  (Please note that any private conversations you have in break-out rooms will not be recorded.)  By participating in the training, you are consenting to these terms. 


Cancellation Policy: 

There will be no refunds available for this training.  If you are no longer able to attend, please let Desiree know before the training begins, and you will be welcome to use the training credit towards a future online training with Desiree or Terri. 


Register for Online Mediumship Training with Desiree...

More Mediumship Student Testimonials...

"When I first signed up for this training I was a little skeptical of my ability and gift, and I was also unsure how I could learn all aspects of mediumship online. Well all I can say is wow! I’m so grateful to Desiree and to all of my classmates for this overwhelming and beautiful experience. I learned so much in both level one and two. I feel like a completely different person in the best possible way. I am now able to trust and empower myself more. This training helped me step out of my comfort zone and into a wonderful world of knowing.  Thank you so much Desiree! I am very grateful that you have shared yourself and your gift with all of us.  This experience has changed the way I now see and feel things. Can’t wait for level three!”

Sarah M. from Massachusetts

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