Spirit Guidance and Healing

Past-Life Regression
with Terri
In-Person & Phone Sessions
Have you ever wondered why you have a special connection to a particular time period in history or feel drawn to an exotic culture?
Have you ever felt an incredible connection (or challenge) with someone in this lifetime and couldn’t understand why?
Are you experiencing a fear or phobia of something that seems to have no rational explanation in your current life?
Is there a disruptive pattern in your life that keeps emerging, and you want to explore whether the roots of this pattern are from a previous incarnation on Earth?
Past-Life Regression Sessions can help you to uncover answers to these questions and much more! By reconnecting with your past lives, you gain access to knowledge that can be profoundly healing, transformative, and enlightening to your present life experience.
What Can I Expect from a Past-Life Regression Session?
First, Terri will meet with you before the regression and thoroughly explain the Past-Life connection process, answer your questions, and assist you in feeling relaxed and comfortable with the upcoming experience. Next, during an intake interview, Terri will ask you questions related to what you may hope to uncover in the Past-Life session, issues you may like to resolve, and your personal intentions for the meeting, so that she may better guide you during the regression. However, it is not necessary to have any particular goals for the session, just a curiosity and openness to the experience.
After the interview, you will settle into our healing space, and Terri will lead you through a series of relaxation exercises, including progressive muscle relaxation techniques, and pleasant guided visualizations. These techniques will allow your conscious mind to relax and allow access to your subconscious mind’s memories of your previous lifetimes.
Once you have “dropped in” and are engaged in a particular past lifetime, Terri will ask you to respond to questions regarding what you are seeing, hearing, feeling, and experiencing in the past life. You may be guided to more than one lifetime in a session and will have the opportunity to remember joyful events, loving connections, and identify soulmates who may be incarnated again with you in your current lifetime. You may remember special skills that you developed in these lifetimes, your past livelihoods, as well as any cultural traditions associated with that lifetime.
If you happen to observe any challenging past life memories, Terri will guide you to release those painful episodes, while keeping the spiritual growth and wisdom you have gained from the experience. You will also be given the opportunity to offer forgiveness and healing to any difficult situations you may remember. Terri will direct you to observe any particularly stressful memories from an “observer” standpoint so that you feel completely safe and protected. (Please note that you will be in control of the session at all times, and will be able to open your eyes at any time, as well.) In general, every Past-Life Regression session is completely unique and clients have reported a wide range of experiences and memories.
The entire session can last 2 hours and clients will be given time at the end of the regression to process the experience, discuss their findings and observations, and re-ground themselves. Therefore, clients should give themselves time in their schedules after their sessions to allow for reorientation back into their current bodies before continuing on with their day.
What Are the Benefits of a Past-Life Regression Session?
Recover from any current anxieties, worries, or depression that are related to Past-Life challenges
Heal Past-Life emotional wounds and traumas that may be coloring your current lifetime
Understand any current physical ailment connections to previous lifetimes and have the chance to alleviate symptoms
Gain better understanding of any beautiful or challenging relationships in your current life
Recognize patterns and tendencies, and be able to transform any unwanted behaviors
Realize Past-Life talents and bring those back to fruition in the current lifetime
Uncover connections to your Past-Life soul family that you may have relationships with today
Gain a clearer understanding of your soul’s life lessons
Obtain spiritual guidance, wisdom, and peaceful resolution to problems
Will Past-Life Regression “Work” for Everyone?
Every client’s experience is completely unique and individual. Some clients have very deep experiences and see their past lives as if they are watching a movie, others have briefer visions and memories. If a client is unable to clearly see a past life, it may mean that they are not yet meant to remember the lifetime, and may need more time in the current life before processing the past life. It is also possible that the client may need more practice in relaxing their conscious mind, so that the images can come more smoothly. However, almost every client benefits from the experience as the guided meditation in itself is helpful for releasing stagnant energy and blockages. Furthermore, if a client has any struggles, Terri will intuitively access the person’s Past-Lives and share any information she receives during the session.
What is the Rate for a Past-Life Regression Session?
Past Life Regression Rate:
$195 for 2 Hours
Client Testimonial...
"After years of esoteric study and practice, I decided to undergo past-life regression in order to deepen my self-knowledge and heal some patterns and behaviors which have caused me to struggle in this lifetime. Upon arrival for my appointment, Terri explained to me the process, and she asked me if there was anything specific I wished to obtain from the regression. Her friendly nature and warmth made me feel safe to open up to her, which increased the benefits of my session. When the process

began, I felt physically and psychologically comfortable and prepared for the experience. With her guidance, I explored three lifetimes which all offered insight, healing, and focus to my current life. Afterward, Terri took the time to speak with me about certain aspects of the journey and how I may relate and grow from the knowledge I gained about myself. And it did not end there; I made an audio recording of the session, so later in the evening I was able to listen to it and revisit the parts I could not consciously recall (due to the deep state of relaxation during the regression). Terri is a gifted, compassionate healer. I can't wait to further explore myself with future past-life regressions with her. I feel blessed to have had this opportunity to allow my past to move me forward."
- Gretchen from State College, PA