Spirit Guidance and Healing

Schedule a Session
Spirit Mediumship Reading with Desiree
Scheduling Information:
General Information:
Spirit Mediumship Readings are scheduled in advance through Desiree's online scheduling system. This will allow you to instantly schedule your appointment!
If you are unable to schedule online, appointments may also be made through emailing spiritguidance33@gmail.com or texting / calling (814) 380 -1631. (Please note that it may take up to a week to receive a response from Desiree about scheduling. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to try to use our automatic online system first.)
Please read over Desiree's Spirit Mediumship Reading Disclaimer before scheduling a session.
Due to the high demand for in-person readings, Desiree may be open for a phone or Zoom reading sooner than her first available in-person appointment. (Click Here to schedule a Phone / Zoom session.)
To learn more about Desiree's Spirit Mediumship Readings, click here.
In-Person Reading Location:
Appointments take place at Desiree's home at 137 Ghaner Drive, State College, PA, 16803.
If you need help finding the house, Desiree's phone number is (814) 380-1631.
Preparing for a Reading:
Desiree does not require her clients to prepare anything specific prior to their reading appointment. If you choose, you may wish to write down a list of questions to ask your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Master Teachers, & Spirit Loved Ones throughout the reading.
Recording the session with your own iPhone, smartphone, or another recording device is permitted for no additional cost!
Desiree offers the possibility of recording your Spirit Mediumship Reading for an additional fee. You may choose to receive her recording of your session digitally through e-mail ($5) or on a CD sent to you by mail to the address of your choosing ($15).
Desiree's Schedule of Availability:
Desiree will be offering in-person appointments on the following dates in 2025. Please use the online scheduling system below to book your session.
July, 2025 - July 15 & 18
(*More in-person appointment dates in 2025 to be announced! If you would like to be added to Desiree's waiting list to be contacted about last minute openings or future in-person reading dates, please contact her at spiritguidance33@gmail.com.)
Rates / Payment Information:
Spirit Mediumship In-Person Reading Rates:
$275 ~ One-Hour Reading
$280 ~ Recorded One-Hour Reading (w / $5 Digital Recording)
$290 ~ Recorded One-Hour Reading (w / $15 CD Recording)
Rates for Additional Guests...
There is no additional cost to invite one extra person to attend the reading with you!
If you invite 2 or more people to attend, there will be an added $20 fee per person after the first free guest.
Payment Information:
Payment for in-person readings can be made at the time of the appointment in the form cash, check, Venmo, or credit card. (Please make check payable to "Desiree Dennis".)
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the session.
If no cancellation is given 24 hours before the session and it is the first time the client has missed a session, the client will be charged a $175 cancellation fee that they must pay before rescheduling. (If additional sessions are missed in the future, the client will be asked to pay the full one-hour session fee of $275 before rescheduling.)
Schedule an In-Person Appointment...

Schedule an In-Person Reading with Desiree
Book with the Online Scheduling System!
* By clicking the "Book Appointment" button below, you are indicating that you have read Desiree's Spirit Mediumship Reading Disclaimer and agree to all of its terms.