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     "I am the mother of three beautiful children, one of which is in heaven. My son Brian passed away on May 19th, 2009 at the age of 16. His death was sudden and very shocking / devastating to our family. It has brought me a lot of comfort in being able to talk to him through Desiree. I am very confident that she connected me with my son on the other side, as things that were relayed to me, only Brian would have said. I have had 2 one-hour phone consultations with her and plan to have more, as well as arranging for my daughters to talk to their brother. She is the "real deal" and has brought me some much needed peace. Thank you for your part in helping me and others to know that their loved ones are indeed very much alive and watching over us from heaven." 



     - Allison from Washington

     "Terri's beautiful gift to shine light in our lives through connecting us with our Spirit Animals is beyond precious.  After a traumatic event followed by two significant life losses of loved ones, my heart and soul searched for meaning and acceptance of such grief.  Not until meeting my Spirit Animals through Terri's crystal clear evidential connection did I come to find some peace in this dark night of the soul for me.  I speak with my team of Spirit Animals daily and know their existence is real through signs and feelings of their presence.  Terri's gifts are what the world needs most now, more light and love."

    - Marnie from Michigan

     "To put it quite simply, Desiree has changed my life completely and forever.  Not only have I healed massive wounds, but I now have no doubt in the afterlife.  I've been to many psychics and card readers before but I've never had a reading to connect with me so personally and blow my mind.  She was completely spot on.  The words that came through when she channeled my mother spoke to me in high volumes and have changed my relationship with her and my outlook in life in the most positive way.  I can't thank her enough.  I highly recommend to anybody that has even the slightest inclination.  Do it.  You won't regret it, and definitely go for the hour!"

     - Katie from Australia

     "Thank you so much Terri for the most special and healing gift you gave to me in connecting me to my Spirit Animals and Master Teacher.  I am so excited to call on my Spirit Animals and remember the qualities I can draw from.  I feel blessed by your generosity with your energy and time."


     - Kintu from Florida


     "I had a wonderful experience during my Spirit Animal Session with Terri Dennis.  It was very insightful and very detailed.  Definite synchronicities.  She invests a lot of time preparing for your session."


      - Dan from State College, Pennsylvania


     "I've had a number of sessions with Desiree over the past year, several times in person and once over the phone.  Her talents for channeling are quite remarkable.  The spirit guides she spoke with were sometimes recurring and sometimes one-time appearances.  They gave me guidance ranging from creative ideas I could implement in my life, to ways that I was already achieving my life's purpose, to ways that I could heal and further grow spiritually.  The guidance I got from her during one session helped me make the decision to move to California which I am very glad to have done.  Desiree described each of the guides with vivid narration and good humor.  She has a very unassuming presence and I believe can make anyone feel comfortable.  I always feel touched by our sessions and rejuvenated afterwards.  If you're considering a session with her, go for it!  You'll be amazed and benefited by what comes up."


     - Matthew from Santa Monica, California

     "The spirit guidance and healing session was a life changing event for me. When we first met and you told me that you were a spirit medium, my alarm bells went off. The only people I had heard that claimed to be spirit mediums were charlatans. I told you about the cold reading techniques that frauds use to trick people. You calmly replied that you don't ask for information, you just give it. When you told me that, I knew that you were genuine and I wanted to see what all of it was about, but I still didn't believe in it. You see, life can be confusing. Illusions are everywhere. I've always used my intuition, but I've also relied heavily on rationality to guide my life. I've never had a first hand experience of communicating with someone on the other side (that I was conscious of). I had also never known anyone who had. All signs were pointing to ghosts and spirits aren't real, and when we die its a complete mystery what happens. At the same time, I have had other experiences in life that have changed my views on things, so I was open to changing my mind if new evidence presented itself. 


     I went into the reading with two intentions. One was to contact Martin, my friend I had when I was a teenager who committed suicide. The other was to get guidance about my Lyme's disease. When the first two things you mentioned were the names "Martin" and the method I had used to treat my lymes, which I did not share with you beforehand, I was floored. I just started crying, and you should know that I have not cried for literally 10 years and I have never cried such tears of relief and happiness as the session we had. I continued to cry tears of joy as I was reunited with a friend that I thought was gone forever. I cried because I thought death was the end, and now I know it is not."


     - Sean from State College, Pennsylvania 


     "I'd like you to know how much I enjoyed this different and interesting reading.  I'm reading my notes and will try to be aware of the various areas where I may receive guidance or support from these specific animal guides of mine.  It's a whole new arena of spiritual guidance!"


     - Julie  (regarding her Spirit Animal Reading with Terri)

     "I've been lucky enough to have had several channeling sessions with Desiree over the past few years. I have never been disappointed by the truly loving, positive, and insightful nature of her gift. The guidance I received through these sessions has helped me to better understand myself and my relationships with others, reflect on my past experiences, and deepen my spiritual practice. Though I was nervous at first to connect with my spirit guides, Desiree's humor and warmth helped to put me at ease, making me feel comfortable enough to really communicate and make the most of the experience. I recommend her services with no reservations." 


     - Maria from State College, Pennsylvania


      "How to describe Desiree…? One word – ‘awesome.’ This gifted woman is so talented as a spirit guidance medium and instructor and brings so much heart to everything she does. I am very blessed to know her and be able to call this awesome woman, ‘my friend.’


     I have had three spirit guidance sessions with Desiree, face to face and by phone, and attended her ‘Intro to Intuitive Healing’ workshop held in Fredericksburg, VA. I’m sure there are more sessions and workshops to come. She saved me at a time in my life when I felt so lost and confused. Though confident that I was in need of what was to be an imminent change in my life path, I lacked the clarity and focus to more forward – that is, until my first session with Desiree. Each session with her has elevated my life to a whole new level.


     Desiree is very professional and handles sessions and workshops with her own unique mix of humor and sensitivity. Thanks to Desiree, I have become more aware of and am developing my own gifts as an intuitive, empath, and energy healer in training and am using these gifts to help others in a fulfilling way."


     - Vinoth from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

     "I practice massage & craniosacral therapy. There are both physical & spiritual elements to my business & I always try to approach my work with each person holistically. Therefore I have been curious to know more about spirit guides/helpers that might be influencing my work with people in a more positive powerful way than I am sometimes aware of. So, with the prompting of some very important people in my life I decided to call Desiree. My session was simply amazing! She helped to shed light and more detail on the entities that are assisting me in my work as well as my own personal growth. The session was deep but light at the same time with a touch of humor that is very important in all things. She was absolutely accurate & confirmed many of the things that my intuition has told me & added detail that I was not aware of until the session. I could go on and on but the most important thing that I would like to share with you who may be reading this is that Desiree is truly gifted & sincere!" 


     - Bruce from Marquette, Michigan


     "I first became aware of Desiree and her work in the spring of 2010. At first I was skeptical. "How could anyone so young dispense spiritual advice to a middle aged adult?" This was my first thought. I decided to go ahead and attended the session with an open mind. Needless to say, I was very impressed with the depth and wisdom that came from this channel. Desiree, not only anticipated my misgivings about the session, but gave some very good advice for both myself and a close friend who independently attested to the accuracy of her observations. I had the opportunity to see Desiree work with another group of people in the fall of that year and once again, I was very impressed with the accuracy, compassion, and wisdom she conveyed during that session. From these experiences, I can attest that this young woman is blessed with a singular gift. She brings a lot of passion and integrity to her work. I will see her again and I would recommend her to my friends and associates."


     - Tom from State College, Pennsylvania


     "My spirit guidance session with Desiree was truly amazing & uplifting. When I called her, I didn't know what to expect exactly, but she was warm, friendly & made me feel very comfortable. She had already reached out to the spirits, & had been communicating with them before our session. One spirit guide was eagerly waiting for me. Desiree was very much at ease speaking both with me, & communicating what this spirit had to say to me in return. The session lasted almost two hours, (which was remarkably affordable), and I felt like a changed man. I have been carrying the words of comfort & wisdom offered to me, which have continued to help me through a tremendously difficult time in my life. I highly recommend Desiree to anyone who might be interested in this sort of work, or even those who are just curious to know more. I look forward to my next session with her." 


     - Edward from New Haven, Connecticut

     "Terri's Animal Spirit Workshop has changed my connection with animals forever!  Terri put her whole heart into this training, which offered fascinating information about different types of animal spirits and how we can connect and work with them.  The details and stories from her experiences helped me learn to interpret animal spirits in ways I had never considered, and the practice exercises helped me experience how powerful their guidance can be.  This life-changing class opened my eyes to the deep love, support, and guidance our spirit animals have for us, especially when we learn to enhance our connection and communication with them.  Thank you, Terri, for helping me step into the powerful, magical, and healing world of animal spirits!"


     - Cindi from Pennsylvania


     “I loved this day with Terri and the group!! I absorbed every bit of information Terri shared in her one day Spirit Animal Training class and wished it lasted longer. Terri brings us all to our highest self when she works with Spirit. The Animal Kingdom truly is surrounding, supporting, and gifting us with their guidance when we tune in to our connection with them. Memorable experience!”


     - Marnie from Michigan


     "What a wonderful, valuable, & insightful program! Thank you so much! Really made a difference to allow & expand the beautiful animal energy in & around us! Also, just being in your presence & that of the group provides a healing energy that envelopes us & our consciousness is expanded. Thank you for you & your work. Truly amazing and light-filled!"


     - Elaine from Pennsylvania


     "I wanted to thank Terri so very much for her beautiful class!  I learned so much. It gave me some added depth to my meditations and opened more doors for me."


     - Deanna from Michigan


     “The information in Terri's Spirit Animal Workshop adds so much depth and color to how I interpret the animals who arrive in my readings. Their appearances have such layered meaning, and these skills help me uncover some of that meaning for the recipients. Terri brings a relaxed vibe of unconditional love and acceptance that inspires the pupil to believe that with those important ingredients, anything is possible. Amazing what that elicits!”


     - Frannie from Michigan


     “I got a lot of information out of this training, and it completely expanded my spirituality. I connected with my intuition in a way I never have before and felt very empowered afterwards.”


     - Elektra from Pennsylvania

     "I have had many sessions with Desiree, and with each session comes new truth. In connecting with my guides I have gained knowledge about myself and the ones I love, giving me insight and wisdom when dealing with the challenges that this life presents. Since beginning my sessions with her, I have been able to communicate and understand my relationships with others like never before. Her amazing gift has aided me in making important life decisions that I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish otherwise. I have discovered occurrences in past lives that have influenced the person I am today, which has enabled me to overcome some of my faults and work towards being a better, happier human being. The capabilities she possesses are truly amazing and my encounters with her are some of the most magical that I have ever experienced." 


     - Nicole from State College, Pennsylvania


     "Desiree is a pure spirit - genuine, caring, and gifted. My sessions with her were very helpful - the information resonated as truth and her hands are powerfully healing. I am grateful for the messages that she brought, evidence of their validity continues to come to me. She blesses anyone that is in her presence." 


     - Michelle from Asheville, North Carolina


     "I cannot speak enough praise for Desiree. Every interaction I have with her is comfortable, enjoyable & revealing. She has an astounding ability to connect with other energies. It was through her that I first came to meet my spirit guides. I'd been getting energy work/massage done for years & had not really made the connection between body/spirit yet. Not only that, but she's actually really nice, & funny. She comes as a surprise, especially due to her age; I've never met someone so connected who'd spent so little time on Earth. I feel incredibly lucky she’s available not only to me but to the general populous. I also should mention my general skepticism, most of the time when someone tells me something like "I can talk to spirits," my response is along the lines of "that's nice," but Desiree has proven that some people are the genuine article. She is, if you'll excuse the terminology, an OG (Original Gangster.) But in all seriousness, Desiree is an amazing entity." 


     - Peregrine from Grand Rapids, Michigan

    "Desiree has the amazing ability to connect you with your deepest self and most intimate inner knowledge. Having time with her allowed me to acknowledge and contemplate issues that went to the core of who I am in this world. With her sweet and compassionate nature and by surrounding us in a protected spiritual environment, Desiree was able to show me the way to continue to heal and grow in my life." 


     - Jo Ann from State College, Pennsylvania


     "Truly a beautiful experience to meet with my loved ones and gain their perspective on the difficulties I have been having. Desiree called in my mom and dad, my Higher Self, and Joshua. Their guidance and wisdom have lifted me and given me direction and knowledge so I can move forward. I am truly grateful to her."


     - Marilyn from Florida


     "I have had just two spirit guidance sessions with Desiree. Both sessions were amazing and I definitely plan to schedule more. There is no doubt that Desiree has a gift. I am so grateful to have reconnected with my Grandmother and to feel the presence of my guides who were there to share their knowledge with me. Desiree provides a comfortable and nurturing experience. After my sessions I am left with a rejuvenated feeling. I feel more equipped to endure the challenges of life and also feel more connected to my personal magic! Thank you for sharing your gift Desiree." 


     - Susie from Traverse City, Michigan


     "Many thanks for this morning! I am so appreciative for your clear reflection and your lightness of being. They are beautiful gifts in our world. I look forward to working with you again - soon!" 


     - Tracey from Seattle, Washington

     "Thank you and your mom for helping me and my family. Your gift is a beautiful thing matched only by the goodness of both of your hearts. For me, it is a reaffirmation of what I always felt to be true. For my sister, it is a crucial first step towards having hope. Bless you both for your huge hearts! "


     - Joe from State College, Pennsylvania


     "Desiree brings a level of clarity that is startling, but deeply positive. I am very grateful to have meet such a sweet and wonderfully authentic person who is able to the hold space to do this special work. I would recommend her to anyone's team of counselors and advisers." 


     - Ms. Wallace from Eugene, Oregon


     "I've been honored to have Desiree participate in my spiritual journey. Her readings have provided guidance and insight as well as validated my own intuitive knowing. The lighthearted conversations with my guides and higher self were a pleasure. The readings provided reassurance as well as motivation. More importantly, the readings served as a reminder that I am a spiritual being having a human experience." 


     - Kate from Cornell, Michigan


     "Desiree is a gentle, compassionate and clear young lady, with an open heart and soul. Her readings are filled with light & often humor, & the messages that come through her are always filled with hope, kindness and positive vibrations. I have enjoyed, & been honored to work with her."


     - Jean from State College, Pennsylvania


     "Desiree has a unique gift of channeling information without passing it through her own filters or biases. So what emerges is clear and authentic. Such a useful tool for assisting our spiritual beings during their human journeys." 


     - Kate from Planet Earth

     "Desiree's workshop was fantastic.  She shared wonderful information, and taught us exercises to become more intuitive.  She kept clarity, structure, and ever-flowing love with a large group.   I have been to spiritual workshops for 30 years and this was the most grounded, practical, and energizing one I've been to.  I am so grateful."

     - Kim, "Joy Center" Workshop 2012 Attendee

     "Spending the day with Terri and Desiree helped me reopen creative channels that I have been neglecting.  The workshop craft projects, the group meditations and the sharing of ideas helped heal some old issues and illuminate new paths.  The daily affirmation cards workshop reminds me daily of how blessed I am in this lifetime!  Thank you, Terri and Desiree, I will be returning to every event you do in Michigan!"

    - Laura from Marquette, Michigan


"A very rewarding experience...

To reconnect with the divine in others...

To strengthen our spirit...

To encourage us to go forth and be  all that we were meant to be...

To do all that we were meant to do...

To leave this workshop with peace and joy resonating within you." 


     - Barbara from Virginia

     "What a delight!  I appreciated each of the four separate workshops enough to stand alone, and together a rich tapestry of high vibrational tools for living a more expansive, joyful life."

     - Helen, Founder of "The Joy Center" in Ishpeming, Michigan

    “What a deeply enjoyable engagement with spirit. Desiree brings so much light forth that one is left with no choice but to join the symphony of light and sing with inner shining.  This weekend was a chorus of deep love.”

     - Jane from Michigan


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